“From the mouth of my immortal teacher Pasteur, I heard these words: It is true that science is international, but every scientist must be a man who in his scientific work is warmed by love for the people from which he sprang and to whom he owes all his strength”.
Prof. Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut (1847-1940), the first dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
Dear fellow scientists and colleagues,
Agricultural science and agriculture as a profession monitor and study changes occurring in this area, point out problems in agricultural practice, and find solutions. The Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak, in addition to educating students, 30y traditionally organizes the Symposium on Biotechnology (SYMBIOTECH) every year. The main goal is to acquaint the wider scientific and professional public with the results of the latest scientific research, and bring together domestic and foreign scientists in the fields of primary agricultural production, food processing, and environmental protection. We work tirelessly in pursuit of excellence. At the 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, a total of 80 papers were presented in the 7 sections: Field, Vegetable and Forage Crops, Pomology and Viticulture, Livestock Production, Plant Protection, Food Safety and the Environment, Food Technology, Nutritionism, and Applied Chemistry.
SIMBIOTECH25 will be a two-day scientific meeting that will maintain the tradition of presenting and publishing expert results of research, scientific and professional work in a comprehensive consideration of the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food technologies and nutrition. We will consider and shed light on contemporary challenges surrounding in comprehensive manner the issue of all areas of agriculture, aquaculture and veterinary medicine, preserving the biological value of food, preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, its quality and safety, risk assessment, consumer concerns due to the excessive use of synthetic additives, the development of legal and by-laws, utilization of agricultural and food industry by-products to promote the circular economy, natural antimicrobial agents and antioxidants, strategies for waste reduction and sustainable packaging. We strongly encourage the submission of results of inter, multi and transdisciplinary studies, whose research resulting in strategies for the sustainable use of antibiotics in order to prevent their uncontrolled use in veterinary medicine, fodder production (in the broadest sense of use in agriculture and aquaculture), assessing the impact of strategic activities on human health.
We owe great gratitude to the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Čačak for their traditional financial support and patronage of SYMBIOTECH. We thank companies, entrepreneurs, stakeholders and all long-time friends of the Faculty of Agronomy for their material and organizational support.
Tomo Milošević, PhD
In Čačak, August 2024

Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak University of Kragujevac

is organizing

in cooperation with

Biotechnological Faculty University of Ljubljana

Biotechnological Faculty University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Agronomy University of Zagreb

Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek

Faculty of Agriculture and Food University of Sarajevo

Faculty of Agronomy and Food Technology University of Mostar

Biotechnological Faculty University of Montenegro

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje

Faculty of Agriculture University of Banja Luka

Faculty of Agriculture University of Novi Sad

Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade
Patrons of the scientific meeting