SYMBIOTECH24 – the second international Symposium on Biotechnology

SYMBIOTECH24 – the second international Symposium on Biotechnology (enhanced from the 29th Biotechnology Conference with international participation) held on 14-15 March 2024.
News: the visual identity has been significantly improved with a new logo of the scientific meeting, protected by a trademark.

The traditional 6 scientific sessions become rounded and refined by the seventh – Nutritionism. The participants are compatible, albeit from inter, multi and transdisciplinary scientific areas and fields. Networking and internationalization obvious.

Promoted scientific production – distinguished monograph of national importance “HEALTH FOOD: Design and development of foods with improved functional and nutritional properties”. Featured editors and potential of the Future Postharvest and Food Journal Special Issue to be published by WILEY, associated with SYMBIOTECH24.
A lot of desirable, open discussions, crowned by a fruitful panel on the role of higher and secondary education for cooperation with the economy, on the example of dairy farming.

Choir of Gymnasium Čačak performed with 4 numbers, superior than ever.
Our “Golden Days” were made even more brilliant by numerous participants of the meeting, mini-fair, students, guests and friends. With cheerfulness, joy and pride, we give thanks for the honorable meeting and synergistic love.